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Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Jeremiah stepped into the pool, was immersed as a public display of obedience, after accepting the Messiah as his Savior. An angelic glow came over his countenance. He jumped for joy at the decision he had just made. My husband and I watched his baptism, an answer to many years of praying. Tears of joy poured down my face as I saw my autistic son make a major change in his life.

Changes in his mannerisms, his language, and the light of Christ in his eyes, affirmed the work that was taking place in his heart. As a child of God, he began listening to the quiet voice in his soul. He focused on learning about his Redeemer, so he could become a blessing to others in need.

Jeremiah was all too familiar with that feeling. His past was filled with many hardships, bullying, month long stretches in mental health hospitals, hours of therapy, a plethora of medications, and multiple threats of suicide. He was defined by autism and all that it encompasses. His biggest desire was to be accepted for who he was, not by his disability. Now he had his blessed Deliverer to turn to and was in-tune with the inaudible whisperings.

As was his custom, Jeremiah walked around his neighborhood and ministered to the homeless. It was not unusual for him to spend his last cent to feed the hungry. As they ate he shared what God was doing in his life and offered them the chance to experience the same joy. Some did and others had questions for this new babe in Christ. He didn't have all the answers, so he devoutly immersed himself in the Bible. The more he absorbed about his faith, the more he became in tune with the murmurings of the Holy Trinity.

On one special day, as he was walking, he heard God speaking to him. The message was to share the Good News with the next person he saw. Almost immediately he met a young couple. As any of those on the spectrum would do, he took the message to literally mean one person, not two. He passed them by and continued walking and praying. Within minutes he saw a young man approaching and knew this was the one. He stopped the man and introduced himself. It was evident that this man was heart broken, depressed, and in need. Regardless of what his need was, Jeremiah knew that Jesus was the answer. He began to share Jesus with him. On the sidewalk, of a busy street, the young man listened intently to Jeremiah. He accepted Christ that day and the cloud of despair lifted from him. He was experiencing a new joy for life. Jeremiah gave him his phone number and told him to call if he needed anything, had questions, or wanted to pray. Little did Jeremiah know, that was the last time he would see him.

Unexpectedly, three days later he received a call from the young man's father. He had found Jeremiah's name and number in his son's pocket and wondered the part he had played in his life. Jeremiah shared what had transpired. Curtis, the man's father, had bad news to share. His son had been found dead the day before before. Jeremiah was able to share that this man's son was in heaven, at the foot of his Savior's feet. Blessed, Curtis invited Jeremiah to his home. Once there, he learned more about Curtis's son and became friends with the family. Not having a way home he called us for a ride. We went to Curtis's home and were immediately invited inside. Curtis shared with us about his son and how glad he was that Jeremiah listened to his heart. We have all become friends and talk frequently.

My son had reminded me, by his obedience to the quiet voice inside of him, that I too could become a bold witness. I have rededicated my life to Christ and to sharing how Jesus has saved this sinners life.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

My First Book, "Jeremiah's Journey, Gaining Our Autistic Son by Losing Him to the System" Is Available Now

My book, "Jeremiah's Journey, Gaining Our Autistic Son by Losing Him to the System" will officially released 10/01/13. However, I have two places you can purchase the book. Here's where you can purchase advance, non-autographed copies at http://www.tatepublishing.com/bookstore/book.php?w=9781625106049. You can purchase autographed copies by emailing me at win.quier@yahoo.com or by leaving a message for me here.
Paperback and ebook copies are available by both methods.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A Fishing Trip in Alaska and Barely Making It Out Alive


 A short story about a fishing trip when I was in my twenties and married to my first husband. My husband, Joe, isn't a fisherman, plus he wouldn't get caught in such a dangerous situation. Smart man.  I hope you enjoy the diversion.

Sensory Processing Massage by Dr. John Pagano

We wanted to share with you today a video on the art of Sensory Processing Massage by Dr. John Pagano which can be used for calming children with Autism. So if you are struggling with behavioral issues these are practical techniques you can use with your child in the comfort of your own home.

The Editor of Autism Parenting Magazine allowed Dr. Pagano to work with her daughter and saw vast improvements over a six month period in decreasing oral sensitivity, decreasing sleep problems, and a huge decrease in meltdowns. She was very skeptical of the massage but has seen its enormous benefits for children on the spectrum.

So check out the video and please feel free to like and share so other people can benefit from the technique


The full interview with Dr. John is featured in Issue 3 of Autism Parenting Magazine and you can get your magazine in either the ipad or pdf version.


Mark and Leslie


How to Be a Good Friend to Someone Who Has an Autistic Child

1. Inform yourself on autism.
2. Be sensitive to both the parent and child and the fluctuations in moods.
3. Realize that your friend may not be able to take her child to events that atypical children attend.
4. Be understanding with your friend, she may not always be able to answer the phone or make plans with you.
5. Listen, sometimes your friend just needs someone to listen, don't offer advice – just listen.
6. Offer to watch your friend's child for an hour or two so that she can have a much needed break. This could be during the day so she can go shopping or get a mani-pedi, or at night so that she and her husband can have a date night.
7. Attend a support group, school meeting, or doctor appointment with her.
8. Bring over dinner, call her in advance so she'll know you will be providing it.
9. Pray for her and her family.
10. Send your friend an encouraging note, card, text or email.
11. Find out what the autistic child's favorite thing to do is and invite them to experience it.
12. Offer to help your friend clean her house, do her laundry, or walk her dog.
13. If your friend has atypical children also, offer to take them to the park or a movie.
14. Learn what is the most calming thing the autistic child likes to do and offer to learn how to do it.
15. Think before you speak. Never say “Get over it.”, use the word retarded, or any other insensitive or offhand comment that will affect your relationship with your friend.

Monday, May 13, 2013

AutismSpeaks Request for Support of New 529 Savings Act for Children with Autism

AutismSpeaks has a request to contact your local representatives and senators to sign a new bill that could affect you and your autistic child. Please visit the following link to read more about Achieving A Better Life Experience Act (ABLE) which is a 529 tax savings act where parents of autistic children can save money, tax free, for their child's future.


Saturday, May 11, 2013

In My Mom's Memory

Hi dear friends,

On January 17, 2013 my mother, Clara Lynn Robinson passed away.  She went peacefully in her sleep with her pug by her side.  Mom left behind a brother, George Jackinsky; two sisters, Barbara Redmond and Cora (I've forgotten her last name); daughters Melody Daniel, Win Quier and Cindy Currier.  She was preceded in death by her husband, Frank Robinson and daughter, Janette Koontz.

Mom was born in Ninilchik, Alaska in 1932.  She was raised by her father and grandmother because her mother died shortly after her birth.  She grew up on a fish site in Starisky, Alaska and had to walk the beach to town to get their mail and groceries.  Timing with the tide was imperative or they would have to climb up the banks and wait out high tide.  She lost her father on her 10th birthday.  He drowned while boating across Cook Inlet to a fish site.  A bore tide came in and his small boat couldn't take the speed and force of it.

She homesteaded in Homer, Alaska with her husband and four daughters.  The view from our homestead was breathtaking.  Three giant glaciers and the view of the beach across Kachemak Bay was a daily blessing.  It seemed that no two days were alike.

Mom also loved to cook, knit, crochet and sew.  Later in life, when she wasn't so busy, she also loved to read romance novels.  Pinochle and cribbage were her favorite games.

She received a pug puppy from some good friends when her long time pet passed away.  She named her Honey Bear and spoiled her rotten.  They were extremely close and it wasn't unusual to see Honey Bear cuddled up on her chest.  Mom and Honey Bear were the mascots of the complex where she lived.  I inherited her when mom passed away and she's adjusting to being one of two dogs in the house and the climate change from Alaska and Oklahoma.

Mom has been sorely missed.  Her and I had made a pact when I spent six weeks with her shortly before she died.  Whenever I find a dime it's a sign that she is watching over me.  I've found three so far in unusual places.  My favorite is the dime on the floor on my side of my husband's van.  I smile and say, "Hi mom.  I love you." whenever I slide into my seat.  My husband has promised to leave that dime there so that I have special moments often with her.

I love you mama.  You set a good example and I'll be eternally grateful that God picked you to be my mother.

Dani Bowman, an 18-year-old girl on the autism spectrum

I recently received an email from Autism Speaks.  It was about Dani Bowman and the business she has started.  Dani is an 18 year old girl on the autism spectrum.

Here's a link to her site.  It's worth checking out.  http://www.powerlight-studios.com/


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Keeping Up With Win

As I mentioned before I have a book, "Jeremiah's Journey", coming out soon.  The process has taken longer than I expected.  There are so many steps to a finished product.  I am currently editing the final draft and should be finished with it by weeks end.

My first impression was my book would be ready for publishment early this year.  Due to the lengthy process of editing and cover design it's taken much longer.  While I don't have a date set in stone, it should be published by July. 

Waiting has been the hardest part of the process.  A close second is the editing process.  As many times that I read and re-read my manuscript there were many corrections to be made.  Thank heavens for editors.  I'd be embarassed of the final product if it had not been edited.  While the professional editor did her job well I am still finding duplicate entries, an extra to or and here and there, and rewording a sentence so it makes sense.

I have my book's draft in hand and love the work that was done on the front and back cover.  As many words as I had written, the book is much smaller than I thought it would be.  That won't be a mistake I'll make on my next book.

I have started an Amish romance novel and fiction book based upon a real family.  Naturally names and places will be changed.  I also have been writing short stories along the same theme that I hoped to get published as a compilation. 

I'm trying a different approach to my next projects.  I've started with an outline to use as a guide in my writing process.  I know I'll probably stray from the outline but expect the bunny trails to enrich the charaters and plot.

I'll be posting again soon...hopefully annoucing "Jeremiah's Journey" website and other sites it will be available for sale.

"Don't let yesterday use up too much of today."  Will Rogers